Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Howards - Pretty/Ugly EP (1994)

 This is a band from Chicago who played in the early 90s and they understood that grunge was the flavor of the day but they didn't go all into it. 

There are slight echoes of ska here and there, but there was no third wave at that time so the 'ska' sound would not appeal to a ska purist. There is a lot of surf-guitar influence as well. 

Their sound is not indescribable but I can't describe it. They had an album prior to this record that Discogs describes as "swing jazz" which I can say I don't believe even though I have never heard it.


1 Break Even

2 Frankie Machine Garden

3 Gulag

4 Bigfoot

5 Creepy Creepy  

This is the most grunge sounding song on the record. The rest of the record does not sound like this song.